Important Notice: Effective Friday, Jan. 10, 2025, this website will move to a new web address.
The current URL will no longer be available and all visitors will be redirected to the new site.
Outside the Student Union on UB's North Campus.


Phone: 716-645-5698
M-TH: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
F: 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Contact us online.

Fax: 716-645-7762

Walk-in Assistance at 1Capen, North Campus.

Student Address

As a student at UB, you need to maintain accurate address information on file with the university.

Changing Your Address

Students with a UBITName and password should make any address change in their HUB Student Center (via MyUB). University policy requires you to maintain current address information.

Students or alumni without a UBITName and password can request an address change by completing the address change form.

Last updated: April 29, 2022 1:53 pm EST